Many websites online sell purses. Most of them say they are authentic, some don't precisely say authentic but trick you into thinking reproductions are authentic. In truth, it takes a smart customer to establish which sites can be trusted. Plenty of the sites actually do sell authentic handbags at discounted prices, and you should not let a few bad apples mess up your chance at scoring a deal. Just do your due diligence and you will come out on top -- and with a stunning handbag that you paid only a fraction of what your girlfriends paid for it. Here are some easy pointers that may help you determine whether the site is selling authentic handbags:
1. Guarantee: A web site selling authentic hand bags will always have an authenticity guarantee: Authentic or your money back. For example, at, there is an authenticity guarantee not once, but 4 times on just the front page. If there isn't one, you should be concerned.
2. Quality: If a website is claiming that their bags are "high quality", then this may be a cause for concern. Designer brand name handbags have a brand for a reason -- the brand speaks for the quality, and it's constant throughout. They may be talking about good quality knockoffs. However, this is not a deal breaker... it may just be a store owner's mistake.
3. Chinese connections: Chinese companies usually sell fakes. Try going to a WHOIS service ( ) and enter the web site name. If it is registered to a Chinese company you should be worried. This is not to say that the Chinese are illegitimate businessmen, but rather, there is less enforcement in China and more availability of fakes.
4. Contact: Any true web site will list a street address. If an internet site does not list a street address or phone number, you should not do business with them. This applies to any internet shopping site.
5. Return policy: keep away from websites that may not take returns.
There's not one simple formula to ascertain if the handbags are authentic. It is a matter of your own personal judgment. You should not be scared of buying handbags online because of this. Do not let low prices scare you away -- they can really be bought for seventy percent off retail. However, apply your own judgment and ensure you can contact the company and return the bag should you need to do so. Read the outlines, company information, for example. -- do not just look at pictures. If you are confident after viewing all of these things, then you should enjoy your purchase and get out there and show off your new authentic handbag!
1. Guarantee: A web site selling authentic hand bags will always have an authenticity guarantee: Authentic or your money back. For example, at, there is an authenticity guarantee not once, but 4 times on just the front page. If there isn't one, you should be concerned.
2. Quality: If a website is claiming that their bags are "high quality", then this may be a cause for concern. Designer brand name handbags have a brand for a reason -- the brand speaks for the quality, and it's constant throughout. They may be talking about good quality knockoffs. However, this is not a deal breaker... it may just be a store owner's mistake.
3. Chinese connections: Chinese companies usually sell fakes. Try going to a WHOIS service ( ) and enter the web site name. If it is registered to a Chinese company you should be worried. This is not to say that the Chinese are illegitimate businessmen, but rather, there is less enforcement in China and more availability of fakes.
4. Contact: Any true web site will list a street address. If an internet site does not list a street address or phone number, you should not do business with them. This applies to any internet shopping site.
5. Return policy: keep away from websites that may not take returns.
There's not one simple formula to ascertain if the handbags are authentic. It is a matter of your own personal judgment. You should not be scared of buying handbags online because of this. Do not let low prices scare you away -- they can really be bought for seventy percent off retail. However, apply your own judgment and ensure you can contact the company and return the bag should you need to do so. Read the outlines, company information, for example. -- do not just look at pictures. If you are confident after viewing all of these things, then you should enjoy your purchase and get out there and show off your new authentic handbag!
Just in case anyone is interested…these are really some good tips for checking out the authentic designer handbags.